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Black & White Photo of a Car Tire | JCR Performance - Tire & Auto Repair Shop in Sacramento, CA

Two Types of Tire Repair

  1. Plugging. Small holes caused by a nail or other sharp objects can be fixed by plugging. Plugging is a safe method of tire repair where sticky rubbery plugs are used. When driven on, the plugs blend with the tire rubber. We recommend this as a temporary fix.

  2. Patching. Patching is necessary if the hole is near the sidewall or if it is too big for a plug. If the hole is still too big even for a patch, the tire must be replaced.

Using Fix-a-Flat and Similar Products

Let us know if you use Fix-a-Flat or similar products when you bring your tire in for repairs. The chemical liquid may spray all over during deflation and leave a difficult-to-clean mess.

The materials are also flammable, therefore we may need to be particularly careful when dismounting the tire.

A mechanic changing a car tire | JCR Performance - Best Tire Repair Shop in Sacramento, CA
 A person driving a truck down a highway

Driving on a Flat Tire

Pull over quickly if you get a flat tire while driving. Driving on flat tire damages the tire and makes it impossible to fix. If the bead breaks, it may harm the rim. If you must drive on the tire to avoid traffic, don’t drive faster than 5 mph and go as slowly as possible.

Avoid sudden turns and go to the side of the road slowly until you reach a safe spot where a tow truck or someone can help you change the tire. 


Contact JCR Performance or visit us at 6161 Power Inn Rd STE D, Sacramento, CA 95824

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